Yemeni chameleon Chamaeleo calyptratus | TerraSklep

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Polish Name: Yemeni Chameleon
Domain: eukaryotes
Kingdom: Animals
Type: stringers
Subtype: vertebrates
Phylum: reptiles
Order: scaly
Suborder: Iguania
Family: chameleonidae
Genus Chamaeleo
Species: calyptratus

Terrarium dla kameleona

Appearance: Beautiful chameleons. They grow to large sizes: males up to 43-61cm (where half the length is the tail) females: 25-33cm. Males are more colorful than females: usually it is a mixture of brown, yellow, blue, green and when they are cold and bad they are dark brown colors, black. The color of females is primarily green, when they are cold/scared they turn gray or black. During sleep, chameleons take on beautiful pastel colors. When the male sees the female, she takes on the most colorful robe, there is the most orange and blue-green color. On the body of the female, who is pregnant, at the sight of the male appear blue dots on a dark background, this is to scare away the male because he does not want to copulate with him. Females that are ready to mate have more blue on their bodies.

Biotope: It inhabits the mountainous and upland areas of the south-western and western parts of Yemen and the south-western part of Saudi Arabia on the Red Sea.

Character: This is a lizard with daily activity. They are distrustful and fearful. Compared to other chameleon species, C.calyptratus is one of the easiest to maintain and multiply. Quite often there are aggressive individuals who, hissing, snorting and biting, try to scare us away because they are afraid. They should be bred individually, because chameleons (males and females) are very territorial and can harm themselves by staying in the same room.

Terrarium for chameleon: The recommended dimensions are 1m3 for one adult chameleon. Two walls should be mesh. Chameleons need a UV-emitting bulb (e.g. Repti Glo 5.0) and a heating bulb (depending on the size of the terrarium 30-50W, the temperature under the heating bulb is about 32-37*) At night, the temperature can drop up to 16*. Once a day, you should spray the terrarium properly so that the chameleon drinks, because they see dripping water, and only a few drink water from the container. You do not need to have a substrate because the chameleon can swallow it. The lack of substrate improves the removal of feces.

Nutrition : We feed the young every day, the older about 3 times a week: crickets, cockroaches, wood venoms, mealworms, locusts (everything according to the size of the chameleon), pregnant female we can give a mouse wasp. Vitamins and lime should be given to food. Adult chameleons also eat plant food, e.g. herbs or nuns (flowers), shoots of plants.

Reproduction: Females lay eggs often, even without contact with the male. When the female wants to lay eggs, the soil should be placed in her terrarium to a thickness of about 15-20cm. (peat with sand) Later, the eggs are incubated for about 5-6 months at a temperature of 28-30 degrees. Females lay about 20-50 eggs.

Comments: Remember about UVB lighting because its lack with a simultaneous lack of lime and vitamins causes rickets. You should also choose the power of the heating bulb so as not to cause burns to the chameleon (special attention should be paid to the helmet, helmet).