Which UVB bulb EXO TERRA choose? | TerraSklep

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HAGEN EXO TERRA has introduced new series of UV bulbs. There is also a new UVB200 series.

The following UVB bulbs are available:
Repti Glo UVB100 13W - equivalent to the old 5.0 13W

Repti Glo UVB100 26W - equivalent to the old 5.0 26W

Repti Glo UVB150 13W - equivalent to the old 10.0 13W

Repti Glo UVB150 26W - equivalent to the old 10.0 26W

Repti Glo UVB200 13W - new powerful UVB bulb

Repti Glo UVB200 26W - new powerful UVB bulb
Natural Light 13W - equivalent to the old 2.0 13W
Natural Light 26W - equivalent to the old 2.0 26W

The so-called UV rating has been introduced, which allows you to choose the right bulb for our pet. EXO TERRA has provided a special table in which all animals that require UV bulbs are located.
  • first you need to find the animal in the table, read the UV Rating;
  • then, taking into account the average approximate distance of the animal from the bulb, choose the right bulb of suitable power.

The dependence of radiation on the distance of the bulb can be found on the packaging of the bulbs or on the EXOTERRA website.

Due to the fact that this is quite troublesome TerraSklep has prepared a special form that will allow you to quickly choose the right Repti Glo bulb.
Choose an animal

The average approximate distance of the bulb from the animal in centimeters: