Complete ready-made set with metahalogen bulb.
Metahalogen lighting set with LUCKY REPTILE bulb.
It is ready to connect the kit, just insert the plug of its outlet.
The set includes:
If you are not convinced how to connect the metahalogen in the terrarium such a set is ideal, just mount the lamp in the terrarium, insert the plug into the outlet and you will get the highest quality light in the terrarium.
Designed for semitropical/tropical animals such as chameleon, etc.
The bulb should be replaced approximately every 12-14 months.
We can compose such a set with any bulb of another brand with a power of 70W.
Heating mat with regulator for terrarium in various sizes and powers.
A large terrarium with maximum ventilation for the chameleon. Front door made of acrylic.
Complete ready-made set for 35W, 50W and 70W metahalogens.