Supplement that increases the...
Professional UVB lighting.
Professional UV lamp from LUCKY REPTILE - Bright Sun Desert 50W.
The bulb has three functions:
HQI metahalogen discharge lamps are the best sources of UVB rays available on the market. They are characterized by high UVB emission, very good reproduction of visible light and act as a heating bulb in a terrarium.
The pictures show tables that make it easy to choose the right power bulb. The next table compares the natural sun with different UV sources. LUCKY REPTILE bulbs were compared with compact fluorescent lamps (Repti Glo), tubular fluorescent lamps (T5,T8), self ballasted bulbs (ZooMed ProSun 160W).
For the use of a light bulb, it is necessary to use a special ballast (starter), as with tubular fluorescent lamps.
Warranty 6mc.
Detailed information in English available here
Lamp for lighting and heating in the terrarium.